Gallery Request from a Local Business


A local Pensacola business (Lovelock Healing Arts) approached me, inquiring if I would be interested in displaying my art at their business. Of course, I said yes! 

It all started at the East Hill Makers Market in Pensacola. I was set up for a beautiful day at the market, having several photos displayed for sale. About halfway through the day, a lady came into my tent and immediately loved my work. We chatted for a while like with most customers and she left the tent. A little bit later she came back, told me she owned a local business that they enjoy featuring local artists in their business. She then asked if I would be interested in being one of their featured artists and displaying up to 5-6 pieces there. Needless to say, I was taken aback, that someone enjoyed my art enough to request it being hung in their business for all their customers to enjoy. Well, as you could imagine, I jumped at the chance. We talked a little longer and worked out some of the details. I must say, even after all this, I was still kinda skeptical, however, when she reappeared for a third time, this time with her husband and business partner, I knew they were serious. They contacted me a couple days later and we set up a day and time to hang the art.

I settled on 5 woodland style images from our local area. 2 were of the large Naval Oak Trees (used to build wooden ships of days gone by), 2 from the Blackwater State Forest, including, an old Gris Mill and suspension bridge, created during a foggy morning. The last, being a Pitcher Plant Bog native to NW Florida.

Their business is a Wellness Center, focusing on natural healing and relaxation, contained in one of the old downtown buildings. Being an old building, the interior wall ere pretty much poured concreate and took some doing to get the hanging hardware in the right places. In the end, all went well and they were very happy with the result.

So, I now have 5 pieces on display for all to see. I am truly honored and blessed to have this opportunity and thanked them accordingly! Oh, on a finishing note, this could not have come at a better time. You see, I was scheduled for 2 surgeries in the following weeks, a neck fusion and nerve release on both legs. I'd be out of commission for the next few months, so what better way to use my images during my healing time. Also, they requested I display purchasing information, should their customers wish to buy one or more of the framed prints. I would also keep 100% of the sale! can't argue with that.

So, that's the story of my first public art showing, and I couldn't be more proud.


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