
Showing posts from January, 2021

2020 Photographic Favorites (Part 4) Final Installment

Welcome to the 4th week of January and the final installment (Part 4) of my photographic favorites of 2020. Looking back, I realized I had a pretty good year and a lot of variety in my photography, and that is something I would like to continue into 2021. Ok, on with the show!. This first image happened pretty much by accident, in that, this is not what I was shooting a few minutes before. Like they say, don't forget to turn around when shooting sunrise/sunsets as the best show maybe behind you. In this case as I looked to the east at sunset, the stormy clouds began to take on a nice pastel glow, along with the white sands of the beach. A lone figure reading her book added an unexpected human element to the image, this simple subtle shot came away as one of my favorites. Hurricane Sally roared through with a vengeance this year, taking most all of us by surprise. A sudden turn eastward and making landfall just 35 miles west of Navarre. There was lots of damage left in her path as y

2020 Photography Favorites (Part 3)

Welcome to Part 3 of my favorite images from 2020. As with before, these are in no particular order. Ok, lets get to it! This first image was taken during the Summer when temps and humidity here are almost out of control, so night shooting is the way to go. Luckily, the Milky Way is high in the sky these months. As with most milky Way shooting it helps to have an compelling foreground and this one fit the bill for me. This is one of the beach pavilions at the Navarre Marine Park, the Milky Way was making a nice arc over the top, I lined everything up and took the shot. I didn't realize until I was processing the photo, that I had also caught the lightning storm off to the east in the shot. This made for a pleasant surprise and came away as one of my favorites. This low hanging storm blew in with a vengeance, just a few miles west of here and over my house. Once it passed, I headed down towards Navarre Beach to see if I could capture the dramatic sky of the passing storm. Well, from

2020 Photographic Favorites (Part 2)

  Hello again and welcome back to part 2 of my 2020 favorites. If you missed Part 1, you can find it here 2020 Favorites (Part 1) . As with part 1, these photos are in no particular order, so lets get to it. This first image, I had in mind for quite a while, just needed the right sky for it. The right sky just happened to be what we as photographers don't really look for, blue sky and white puffy clouds. Finally the day came where I actually remembered this shot, the sky was nice and blue, the clouds puffy white and to the north. I also knew, I wanted all this to make a nice B&W image. What I like about this image is the semitry and high contrast between the white sand and clouds and the blue sky and deep shadows of the beach pavilions, along with the leading line of the walkway.  This was my first ever attempt at trying to capture lightning. I knew the basics on how to do it, the opportunity just never presented it's self without pouring rain at the same time. On this part

2020, My Photographic Favorites (Part 1)

2020, What a ride huh! The good part is, it didn't really affect us to much living here in NW Florida. Day to day was pretty much business as usual, except for a couple of hick-ups here and there. I was able to get out pretty freely and shoot to my hearts content.  So with that being said, I'd like to do kind of a year in review of some of my favorite photos. The photos will be in no particular order. I didn't want to say best photo's as that can be pretty subjective, what is best to me may not be best to you and so on. Ok, enough of that, on to the shots. First (the photo above) this old grist mill lies in the Blackwater River State Forest of NW Florida. A foggy day was forecast, so myself and a photographer friend headed into the forest to see what we could capture. This particular scene looks so much better with a little fog to create depth and a drama. The other thing with this shot is, this is pretty much the best angle to shoot from to get something besides a tour