First Extra Large Print


My first time having a print of this size made, is now a reality and hanging on a customers wall.

Now the story behind the print and how it came to be. A good friend of ours, who like local art for their home decor, had this large, odd sized frame and wanted one of my images to fill it. She didn't know exactly which one, until this one caught here eye. Now the fun of making it happen begins.

But first, the image itself. This sailboat, due to medical emergency concerning the Captain, had washed ashore along a lonely stretch of our beach and was found by beach goers. Emergency assistance was summoned and he was life flighted to a local Pensacola hospital. That was pretty much all you heard from the media. The boat stayed beached for several months, changing positions several times as the tides came and went. This particular morning, was beautiful clear, cloudless skies, and I decided I wanted to capture the first warm morning light as it washed over the boat and surrounding landscape. The Gulf waters were a bit rough, creating some nice wave action adding to the scene. As I enjoyed the quiet solitude of the morning, I took several shots until I had the waves just as I wanted them and was happy with the results. 

Now, back to the print. First was to get all the measurements, frame size, mat size, etc. This thing is pretty big and ended up as a 33"x36" print on 40"x36" fine art paper. Of course 33"x36" is an odd size, so it was off to photoshop to crop it into the correct dimensions, and get it ready for print. Once the image was ready, it was a matter of where to have it printed. My first thought was many of the online print labs, however with the odd size and how I wanted it done trying to explain it over the phone just sounded way to complicated. Enter our local print lab at Gulf Coast Camera in Pensacola, FL. A quick trip over there, a short talk with their Lab Techs and easy as pie, the print would be done in a couple of days.

Being the great guy that I am, I told our friends, I would come over, pick the frame up and bring them back the finished product (I would do this for any customer, not just friends) as opposed to just dropping off a rolled up print for them to deal with. Of course, I really wanted to see how the print looked all framed and matted and as well as the look on their faces when I presented it to them.

I have printed large before, but not this large and a totally custom size. I'm more than happy with how it turned out, the details are nice and clear, but more than that, my friends were more than happy also!

That's all for now, so until next time.............................


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